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RabbitMQ之RabbitMQ 在单个服务器上可以处理多少个队列


RabbitMQ 在单个服务器上可以处理的最大队列数是多少?

这取决于内存吗?它取决于 erlang 进程吗?


RabbitMQ 代理内部没有任何硬编码限制。代理将利用所有可用资源(除非您对其中某些资源设置限制,否则它们在 RabbitMQ 术语中称为水印)。

Erlang 本身设置了一些限制,例如最大并发进程数,但如果理论上可以在单个节点上达到这些限制,那么使用 distributed features 总是个好主意。 .


附注但有 AMQP 协议(protocol)限制。它们在 4.9 Limitations 节中进行了描述。

The AMQP specifications impose these limits on future extensions of AMQP or protocols from the same wire-level format:

  • Number of channels per connection: 16-bit channel number.
  • Number of protocol classes: 16-bit class id.
  • Number of methods per protocol class: 16-bit method id.

The AMQP specifications impose these limits on data:

  • Maximum size of a short string: 255 octets.
  • Maximum size of a long string or field table: 32-bit size.
  • Maximum size of a frame payload: 32-bit size.
  • Maximum size of a content: 64-bit size.

The server or client may also impose its own limits on resources such as number of simultaneous connections, number of consumers per channel, number of queues, etc. These do not affect interoperability and are not specified.