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  1. 开头为:/(^@)/
  2. 结尾为:/(@$)/
  3. 包含:/@/
  4. 不包含

如果用户输入多个条件,则创建单个正则表达式, 我将它们与 "|" 结合起来,所以如果 1 和 2 给出它就变成 /(^@)|(@$)/



<小时 />

Update: @(user input) won't be same for two conditions and not all four conditions always present but they can be and in future I might need more conditions like "is exactly" and "is exactly not" etc. so, I'm more curious to know this approach will scale ?

Also there may be issues of user input cleanup so regex escaped properly, but that is ignored right now.


条件是 OR 运算还是 AND 运算在一起?

Starts with: abc 
Ends with: xyz 
Contains: 123 
Doesn't contain: 456

The OR version is fairly simple; as you said, it's mostly a matter of inserting pipes between individual conditions. The regex simply stops looking for a match as soon as one of the alternatives matches.




AND 版本更复杂。每个单独的正则表达式匹配后,匹配位置必须重置为零,以便下一个正则表达式可以访问整个输入。这意味着所有条件都必须表示为前瞻(从技术上讲,其中一个条件不必是前瞻,我认为这样可以更清楚地表达意图)。最后的 .*$ 使比赛圆满结束。


然后还有组合 AND 和 OR 条件的可能性 - 这就是真正的乐趣开始的地方。 :D