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c++之为什么C++ 20不支持乱序的指定初始化程序


在阅读C++ reference时,我对本段有疑问:

Note: out-of-order designated initialization, nested designated initialization, mixing of designated initializers and regular initializers, and designated initialization of arrays are all supported in the C programming language, but are not allowed in C++.




Affected subclause: [dcl.init.aggr] Change: In C++, designated initialization support is restricted compared to the corresponding functionality in C. In C++, designators for non-static data members must be specified in declaration order, designators for array elements and nested designators are not supported, and designated and non-designated initializers cannot be mixed in the same initializer list. Example:

struct A { int x, y; }; 
struct B { struct A a; }; 
struct A a = {.y = 1, .x = 2};  // valid C, invalid C++ 
int arr[3] = {[1] = 5};         // valid C, invalid C++ 
struct B b = {.a.x = 0};        // valid C, invalid C++ 
struct A c = {.x = 1, 2};       // valid C, invalid C++ 

Rationale: In C++, members are destroyed in reverse construction order and the elements of an initializer list are evaluated in lexical order, so field initializers must be specified in order. Array designators conflict with lambda-expression syntax. Nested designators are seldom used.

first revision of the proposal也讨论了这个主题:

To meet these expectations for guaranteed copy elision, we require the designators to appear as a subsequence of the data member declaration sequence, so that the evaluation order matches the declaration order, and it is also textually left­to­right in designated initialization

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