我一直在 HP Proliant 服务器上运行高度并发的应用程序。该应用程序是我用 erlang 编写的文件系统索引器。它为在文件系统上找到的每个文件夹生成一个进程,并将所有文件路径记录在碎片化的 Mnesia 数据库中。 (数据库由 disc_only_copies
类型的表组成,可以查看其文件系统的屏幕截图 here 。)
%%% -------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @author Muzaaya Joshua, <joshmuza@gmail.com> [http://joshanderlang.blogspot.com] %% @version 1.0 free software, but modification prohibited %% @copyright Muzaaya Joshua (file_scavenger-1.0) 2011 - 2012 . All rights reserved %% @reference <a href="http://www.erlang.org">OpenSource Erlang WebSite</a> %% %%% ---------------- EDOC INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULE ---------------------------------------------- %% @doc This module provides the low level APIs for reading, writing, %% searching, joining and moving within directories.The module implementation %% took place on @date at @time. %% @end -module(file_scavenger_utilities). %%% ------- EXPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -compile(export_all). %%% ------- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% -------- MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -define(IS_FOLDER(X),filelib:is_dir(X)). -define(IS_FILE(X),filelib:is_file(X)). -define(FAILED_TO_LIST_DIR(X),error_logger:error_report(["*** File Scavenger Utilities Error ***** ",{error,"Failed to List Directory"},{directory,X}])). -define(NOT_DIR(X),error_logger:error_report(["*** File Scavenger Utilities Error ***** ",{error,"Not a Directory"},{alleged,X}])). -define(NOT_FILE(X),error_logger:error_report(["*** File Scavenger Utilities Error ***** ",{error,"Not a File"},{alleged,X}])). %%%--------- TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @type dir() = string(). %% Must be containing forward slashes, not back slashes. Must not end with a slash %% after the exact directory.e.g this is wrong: "C:/Program Files/SomeDirectory/" %% but this is right: "C:/Program Files/SomeDirectory" %% @type file_path() = string(). %% Must be containing forward slashes, not back slashes. %% Should include the file extension as well e.g "C:/Program Files/SomeFile.pdf" %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc Enters a directory and executes the fun ForEachFileFound/2 for each file it finds %% If it finds a directory, it executes the fun %% ForEachDirFound/2. %% Both funs above take the parent Dir as the first Argument. Then, it will spawn an %% erlang process that will spread the found Directory too in the same way as the parent directory %% was spread. The process of spreading goes on and on until every File (wether its in a nested %% Directory) is registered by its full path. %% @end %% %% @spec spread_directory(dir(),dir(),funtion(),function())-> ok. spread_directory(Dir,Top_Directory,ForEachFileFound,ForEachDirFound) when is_function(ForEachFileFound),is_function(ForEachDirFound) -> case ?IS_FOLDER(Dir) of false -> ?NOT_DIR(Dir); true -> F = fun(X)-> FileOrDir = filename:absname_join(Dir,X), case ?IS_FOLDER(FileOrDir) of true -> (catch ForEachDirFound(Top_Directory,FileOrDir)), spawn(fun() -> ?MODULE:spread_directory(FileOrDir,Top_Directory,ForEachFileFound,ForEachDirFound) end); false -> case ?IS_FILE(FileOrDir) of false -> {error,not_a_file,FileOrDir}; true -> (catch ForEachFileFound(Top_Directory,FileOrDir)) end end end, case file:list_dir(Dir) of {error,_} -> ?FAILED_TO_LIST_DIR(Dir); {ok,List} -> lists:foreach(F,List) end end.
我用于此应用程序的启动脚本可确保 erlang 能够生成尽可能多的进程。一旦进程完成对文件夹的索引,它就会退出。
#!/usr/bin/env sh echo "Starting File Scavenger System. Layer 1 on the P2P File Sharing System....." erl \ -name file_scavenger@ \ +P 13421779 \ -pa ./ebin ./lib/*/ebin ./include \ -mnesia dir '"./database"' \ -mnesia dump_log_write_threshold 10000 \ -eval "application:load(file_scavenger)" \ -eval "application:start(file_scavenger)"
有一个 gen_server 将密集模块与我记录所有路径的数据库连接起来。下面显示了它开始 spread_directory 工作的片段:
handle_cast(index_dirs,#scavenger{directory_paths = Dirs} = State)-> {File,Folder} = case {State#scavenger.verbose,State#scavenger.verbose_to} of {true,tty} -> { fun(TopDir,Fl)-> io:format(" File: ~p~n",[Fl]), file_scavenger_database:insert_file(filename:basename(Fl),file,Fl,TopDir,filename:extension(Fl)) end, fun(TopDir,Fd) -> io:format(" Folder: ~p~n",[Fd]), file_scavenger_database:insert_file(Fd,folder,Fd,TopDir,undefined) end }; {true,SomeFile}-> { fun(TopDir,Fl)-> os:cmd("echo File: " ++ Fl ++ " >> " ++ SomeFile), file_scavenger_database:insert_file(filename:basename(Fl),file,Fl,TopDir,filename:extension(Fl)) end, fun(TopDir,Fd)-> os:cmd("echo Folder: " ++ Fd ++ " >> " ++ SomeFile), file_scavenger_database:insert_file(Fd,folder,Fd,TopDir,undefined) end } end, Main = fun(Dir) -> error_logger:info_msg("*** File scavenger Server indexing directory: ~p~n",[Dir]), spawn(fun() -> file_scavenger_utilities:spread_directory(Dir,Dir,File,Folder) end) end, lists:foreach(Main,Dirs), {noreply,State}; handle_cast(stop, State) -> {stop, normal, State}.
更多源详细信息可以在整个应用程序中找到。 应用程序的整个源代码和构建可以在这里找到: File_scavenger-1.0.zip 。
现在,我在服务器(HP Proliant G6,包含 Intel 处理器(2 个处理器,每个 4 个核心,每个核心 2.4 GHz 速度,8 MB 缓存大小)、20 GB RAM 大小、1.5 TB 磁盘空间)上启动应用程序。现在,我们可以使用两台这样的高功率机器。系统数据库应该在两台服务器之间复制。每台服务器都运行 Solaris 10(64 位),其终端现在如下所示:
bash-3.00# sh file_scavenger.sh Starting File Scavenger System. Layer 1 on the P2P File Sharing System..... Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [smp:8:8] [rq:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G) (file_scavenger@> =INFO REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::09:36:04 === Starting File Scavenger Database...... =INFO REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::09:36:04 === Database Successfully Started.... =INFO REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::09:36:04 === Starting File Scavenger Database...... =INFO REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::09:36:04 === Database Successfully Started.... =INFO REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::09:36:04 === File Scavenger Server starting with default verbose settings.... (file_scavenger@> file_scavenger_server:index_dirs().
服务器开始运行并向终端详细说明它找到的所有文件和文件夹。服务器配备过多 RAM (20 GB) 和 Swap 空间(Swap 为 16 GB)。然而,它运行了大约 18 个小时,最后,erlang 虚拟机报告了以下内容:
File: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/gcc.mo" Folder: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/share/locale/da" Folder: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES" File: "/proc/4324/root/proc/4984/root/.thumbnails/normal/dc259e3897e8af4b379c6d956b6c1393.png" File: "/proc/4324/root/proc/4984/root/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/223c19786421b7101d14075bdec46f61.png" File: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/libexec/gcc/i386-pc-solaris2.10/4.5.1/install-tools/mkheaders" File: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/libexec/gcc/i386-pc-solaris2.10/4.5.1/cc1plus" File: "/proc/4324/root/opt/csw/gcc4/lib/libsupc++.la" Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 153052320 bytes of memory (of type "heap"). Abort - core dumped bash-3.00#
问题 1. 有了如此强大的服务器,为什么操作系统无法向应用程序(它是唯一正在运行的应用程序)提供这样的内存?
问题 2. 我启动的 Erlang 模拟器被指示能够生成所需数量的进程。值+P 13421779
。 Erlang VM 是否无法访问该内存或无法将其分配给其进程?
问题 3. 对于 Solaris,它看到一个进程:epmd
,可能包含并启动数千个微线程。我可以对 Solaris 进行哪些配置,以便永远不会停止我的应用程序,无论它有多少“内存消耗”?可用交换空间为 16 GB,RAM 20 GB,老实说,肯定有问题。
问题 4. 我可以对 Erlang 模拟器进行哪些配置,以避免这些堆内存崩溃转储,尤其是当服务器上可能需要的所有内存都可用时?如果 Erlang 仍然无法将这些内存分配给简单的文件系统索引器(以及它的高度并发),我将如何在此服务器上运行更多消耗内存的应用程序?
Question 1. With such a powerful server, why would the operating system fail to provide such memory to the application (it was the only application running)?
因为 Erlang VM 试图消耗超过可用内存的内存。
Question 2. The Erlang Emulator i start is instructed to be able to spawn as many processes as it may need. the value +P 13421779. Is Erlang VM failing to access this memory or failing to allocate it to its processes ?
没有。如果您耗尽了进程,Erlang VM 会这么说(并且 VM 仍会启动并运行):
=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Aug-2011::10:04:04 ===
Error in process <0.31775.138> with exit value: {system_limit,[{erlang,spawn_link, [erlang,apply,[#Fun<shell.3.130303173>,[]]]},{erlang,spawn_link,1},{shell,get_command,5}, {shell,server_loop,7}]}
Question 3. To Solaris, it sees one process: epmd, perhaps containing and starting thousands of micro threads. What configurations can i make to Solaris to be able to never stop my application however much "memory hungry" it may be? Swap space available is 16 GB, RAM 20 GB, honestly, there must be something wrong.
是 Erlang 端口映射守护进程。它负责管理分布式 Erlang,与您个人的 Erlang 应用程序无关。您应该查找的进程的名称很可能是beam.smp
。这些将显示 Erlang VM 的操作系统内存消耗等。
Question 4. Which configurations can i make to the Erlang Emulator, to avoid these heap memory crash dumps especially when all the memory it may need is available on the server? How will i run more memory consuming apps on this server if Erlang still fails to allocate such memory to a simple file system indexer (well its heavily concurrent)?
Erlang VM 应该能够使用计算机中的所有可用内存。但是,这取决于您的应用程序是如何编写的。内存泄漏的原因可能有很多:
- 原子表已满(您创建了太多独特的原子)
- ETS 或 Mnesia 表不会被垃圾回收(您不会删除旧的未使用元素)
- 没有足够的内存用于进程(您生成了太多进程)
- 创建了太多二进制文件(您可能会保留对旧二进制文件未使用的引用)