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详解kettle之User Defined Java Class步骤(二)


详解User Defined Java Class步骤(二)


     kettle中的“user defined java class”步骤,也称UDJC步骤,从4.0版本就有,功能非常强大,无所不能;可以在其中写任意代码,却不影响效率。本文将详细介绍在不同场景中用示例展示如果使用该步骤,由于内容非常多,便于阅读方便,把内容分成三部分,请完整看完全部内容,示例代码在这里下载.


使用步骤参数(Step Parameter



import java.util.regex.Pattern;


private Pattern p = null;

private FieldHelper fieldToTest = null;

private FieldHelper outputField = null;


public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterfacesmi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException


   Object[] r = getRow();

   if (r == null) {


       return false;


   // prepare regex and field helpers

   if (first){

       first = false;

       String regexString = getParameter("regex");

       p = Pattern.compile(regexString);

       fieldToTest = get(Fields.In, getParameter("test_field"));

       outputField = get(Fields.Out, "result");


   r= createOutputRow(r, data.outputRowMeta.size());


   // Get the value from an input field

   String test_value = fieldToTest.getString(r);

   // test for match and write result

   if (p.matcher(test_value).matches()){

       outputField.setValue(r, Long.valueOf(1));



       outputField.setValue(r, Long.valueOf(0));


   // Send the row on to the next step.

   putRow(data.outputRowMeta, r);

   return true;





消息步骤(Info Steps)使用





import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import java.util.*;


private FieldHelper resultField = null;

private FieldHelper matchField = null;

private FieldHelper outputField = null;

private FieldHelper inputField = null;

private ArrayList patterns = newArrayList(20);

private ArrayList expressions = newArrayList(20);


public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterfacesmi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException


   Object[] r = getRow();


   if (r == null) {


       return false;



   // prepare regex and field helpers

   if (first){

       first = false;

       // get the input and output fields

       resultField = get(Fields.Out, "result");

       matchField = get(Fields.Out, "matched_by");

       inputField = get(Fields.In, "value");


       // get all rows from the info stream andcompile the regex field to patterns

       FieldHelper regexField = get(Fields.Info, "regex");

       RowSet infoStream = findInfoRowSet("expressions");


       Object[] infoRow = null;

       while((infoRow = getRowFrom(infoStream)) != null){

           String regexString = regexField.getString(infoRow);







   // get the value of the field to check

   String value = inputField.getString(r);


   // check if any pattern matches

   int matchFound = 0;

   String matchExpression = null;

   for(int i=0;i<patterns.size();i++){

       if (((Pattern) patterns.get(i)).matcher(value).matches()){

           matchFound = 1;

           matchExpression = (String)expressions.get(i);





   // write result to stream

   r= createOutputRow(r, data.outputRowMeta.size());

   resultField.setValue(r, Long.valueOf(matchFound));

   matchField.setValue(r, matchExpression);


   // Send the row on to the next step.

   putRow(data.outputRowMeta, r);


   return true;





使用目标步骤(Target Steps




import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import java.util.*;


private RowSet lowProbStream = null;

private RowSet highProbStream = null;


public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterfacesmi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException


   Object[]r = getRow();


   if(r == null) {





   //prepare regex and field helpers

   if (first){

       first = false;

      lowProbStream= findTargetRowSet("low_probability");

      highProbStream= findTargetRowSet("high_probability");



   //Send the row on to the next step.

   if(Math.random() < 0.35){

      putRowTo(data.outputRowMeta, r,lowProbStream);



      putRowTo(data.outputRowMeta, r,highProbStream);






