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1. 实现通用Set数据结构



  1. 导入genny/generic
  2. 定义类型为通用类型generic.Type,例如,命令为ItemType
  3. 在代码中使用这些通用类型
  4. 运行genny生成类型实现


//go:generate genny -in=$GOFILE -out=gen-$GOFILE gen "Item=string,int" 
package set 
import "" 
// Item the type of the Set 
type Item generic.Type 
// ItemSet the set of Items 
type ItemSet struct { 
	items map[Item]bool 
func (s *ItemSet)Add(t Item) ItemSet  { 
	if s.items == nil { 
		s.items = make(map[Item]bool) 
	_, ok := s.items[t] 
	if !ok { 
		s.items[t] = true 
	return *s 
func (s *ItemSet) Clean(){ 
	s.items = make(map[Item]bool) 

当然需要先使用go get -u 命令安装genny,编译通过后。运行命令:
genny -in set.go -out gen-set.go gen "Item=string,int"


// This file was automatically generated by genny. 
// Any changes will be lost if this file is regenerated. 
// see 
// Package Set creates a StringSet data structure for the string type 
package set 
// StringSet the set of Strings 
type StringSet struct { 
	items map[string]bool 
// Add adds a new element to the Set. Returns the Set. 
func (s *StringSet) Add(t string) StringSet { 
	s.items[t] = true 
	return *s 
// Clear removes all elements from the Set 
func (s *StringSet) Clear() { 
	(*s).items = make(map[string]bool) 
// Delete removes the string from the Set and returns Has(string) 
func (s *StringSet) Delete(item string) bool { 
	ret := (*s).Has(item) 
	if ret { 
		delete((*s).items, item) 
	return ret 
// Has returns true if the Set contains the string 
func (s *StringSet) Has(item string) bool { 
	return (*s).items[item] 
// Strings returns the string(s) stored 
func (s *StringSet) Strings() []string { 
	items := []string{} 
	for i := range s.items { 
		items = append(items, i) 
	return items 
// Package Set creates a IntSet data structure for the int type 
// IntSet the set of Ints 
type IntSet struct { 
	items map[int]bool 
// Add adds a new element to the Set. Returns the Set. 
func (s *IntSet) Add(t int) IntSet { 
	s.items[t] = true 
	return *s 
// Clear removes all elements from the Set 
func (s *IntSet) Clear() { 
	(*s).items = make(map[int]bool) 
// Delete removes the int from the Set and returns Has(int) 
func (s *IntSet) Delete(item int) bool { 
	ret := (*s).Has(item) 
	if ret { 
		delete((*s).items, item) 
	return ret 
// Has returns true if the Set contains the int 
func (s *IntSet) Has(item int) bool { 
	return (*s).items[item] 
// Ints returns the int(s) stored 
func (s *IntSet) Ints() []int { 
	items := []int{} 
	for i := range s.items { 
		items = append(items, i) 
	return items 

我们看到genny帮我们从ItemSet **生成了StringSetIntSet结构,因为Item=string,int


2. 使用 go generate

我们也可以通过在文件的顶部,包文档注释的下面增加go generate注释:

//go:generate genny -in=$GOFILE -out=gen-$GOFILE gen "Item=string,int"


go generate 


重要:上面通用实现的数据结构可以像go generate生成的具体实现一样,进行编译和测试,因此可以针对通用或特定类型的实现运行测试。

3. 总结

本文介绍了利用gennygo generate生成代码,辅助实现泛型数据结构和算法。
