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1. 概述

Catalog(目录) 是sql环境中schema(模式)的命名集合。当创建表时,PostgreSQL 存储表定义在系统目录中。系统目录是PostgreSQL 表的集合。我们像对待普通表一样查询这些系统表,但有更简便的方式查看表和索定义。


Cluster > Catalog > Schema > Table > Columns & Rows


集群有目录. ( 目录 = 数据库 )
目录包括模式(schema). (Schema 即表的命名空间, 安全边界)

2. 通过psql命令查看系统对象

2.1 查看表信息


postgres=# \d 
          List of relations 
 Schema |       Name        |   Type   |  Owner    
 public | batch             | table    | postgres 
 public | cellphones        | table    | postgres 
 public | cellphones_id_seq | sequence | postgres 
 public | distributorc      | table    | u8 
postgres=# \dS+ 
                                       List of relations 
   Schema   |              Name               |   Type   |  Owner   |    Size    | Description  
 pg_catalog | pg_views                        | view     | postgres | 0 bytes    |  
 public     | batch                           | table    | postgres | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | cellphones                      | table    | postgres | 0 bytes    |  
 public     | cellphones_id_seq               | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | distributorc                    | table    | u8       | 0 bytes    |  
 public     | distributors                    | table    | u8       | 0 bytes    |  
 public     | distributorsct                  | table    | u8       | 0 bytes    |  


postgres=# \d batch 
          Table "public.batch" 
   Column   |     Type      | Modifiers  
 batch_id   | integer       |  
 batch_name | character(35) |  
 members    | integer       |  
    "mul_uni_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (batch_id, members) 

2.2 查看索引信息

通过\di 查看索引信息:

postgres=# \di 
                         List of relations 
 Schema |          Name           | Type  |  Owner   |    Table      
 public | cellphones_pkey         | index | postgres | cellphones 
 public | code_title              | index | u8       | primtab 
 public | distributors_pkey       | index | u8       | distributors 
 public | mobiles_pkey            | index | postgres | mobiles 
 public | mul_uni_key             | index | postgres | batch 
postgres=# \diS+ 
                                                      List of relations 
   Schema   |                  Name                   | Type  |  Owner   |          Table          |    Size    | Description  
 pg_catalog | pg_user_mapping_user_server_index       | index | postgres | pg_user_mapping         | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | cellphones_pkey                         | index | postgres | cellphones              | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | code_title                              | index | u8       | primtab                 | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | distributors_pkey                       | index | u8       | distributors            | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | mobiles_pkey                            | index | postgres | mobiles                 | 16 kB      |  
 public     | mul_uni_key                             | index | postgres | batch                   | 16 kB      |  
 public     | pkey                                    | index | postgres | postgres3               | 16 kB      |  
 public     | postgres1_order_no_key                  | index | postgres | postgres1               | 16 kB      |  
 public     | postgres_ord_no_key                     | index | postgres | postgres                | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | prikey                                  | index | u8       | films                   | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | production                              | index | u8       | k                       | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | students_student_id_key                 | index | postgres | students                | 16 kB      |  
 public     | uni_constraint                          | index | postgres | cellphones              | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | uni_constraint2                         | index | postgres | mobiles                 | 16 kB      |  
 public     | uni_index                               | index | postgres | cellphones              | 8192 bytes |  
 public     | uni_key                                 | index | postgres | india                   | 8192 bytes |  


postgres=# \diS+ uni_key 
                           List of relations 
 Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner   | Table |    Size    | Description  
 public | uni_key | index | postgres | india | 8192 bytes |  
(1 row) 

3. psql命令参考


命令 描述
\dd?object-name Display comments for?object-name
\db List all tablespaces
\dn List all schemas
\d_\dt List all tables
\di List all indexes
\ds List all sequences
\dv List all views
\dS List all PostgreSQL-defined tables
\d table-name Show table definition
\d index-name Show index definition
\d view-name Show view definition
\d sequence-name Show sequence definition
\dp List all privileges
\dl List all large objects
\da List all aggregates
\df List all functions
\dc List all conversions
\dC List all casts
\df function-name List all functions with given name
\do List all operators
\do operator-name List all operators with given name
\dT List all types
\dD List all domains
\dg List all groups
\du List all users
\l List all databases in this cluster
